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Hr solutions for Internet industry

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In recent years, China's Internet industry has grasped the historical opportunity to achieve rapid development, with comprehensive coverage of network infrastructure, obvious effects of industrial digital transformation, continuous improvement of innovation capacity, continuous optimization of the information development environment, and historic achievements in building a cyber power.

However, in the era of VUCA, Internet enterprises often face fiercer competition and more frequent iterations. Market environment is changing rapidly, Internet enterprises not only need to promote technology and product innovation, further improve the digitization, intelligence and integration of enterprise human resource management, but also become a key measure for enterprises to obtain competitive advantages.

Digital platform + professional services

Hr solutions provider to provide a complete service system

Technology powers the Internet
Human Resource Services

By creating integrated solutions required by the Internet industry, Huanque uses technology to empower human resource management in the Internet industry. HR SaaS based on cutting-edge service architecture as the core, the application of artificial intelligence and big data technology, to achieve intelligent human resource management. Assist enterprises to build an integrated human resource management platform to effectively reduce management costs and employment risks. At the same time, comprehensively improve management efficiency, optimize employee experience, and provide real-time and effective data support for enterprise decision-making and management.

Recruitment process management

Provide "recruitment process management" for Internet enterprises, covering recruitment plan, channel management, candidate resource management, process management, employment and entry. Intelligent recruitment, instant speed up!

Personnel management complete record of the whole life cycle

Unified management of employees can be carried out: one-click operation of entry, post transfer, post transfer, promotion and resignation can accurately record the growth mark of employees' in-service career, and improve employees' experience while handling trivial personnel work.

Create humanized attendance management

It supports multiple punching methods, flexible scheduling and self-defined overtime rules. The flexible working system can meet the complicated and changing attendance requirements of Internet employees. At the same time, overtime capping rules can also be set to facilitate further cost control.

Diversified compensation management and performance system

Building a diversified rank, salary and performance system, and clarifying employee salary, bonus and welfare, can better strengthen employees' sense of belonging to the Internet company, improve talent retention and motivate them to achieve personal goals.

Intelligent talent management and training

Build a one-stop learning platform for enterprises to provide immersive experience and fragmented learning on mobile terminals. Digital training whole process management, learning plan can be drawn up, process tracking has basis, talent project finally landing.

Data Analysis & insights

Statistical analysis built-in more than 50 common personnel reports, covering the entry, resignation, attendance, salary, recruitment, performance and other fields, the report can be exported by one click. Charts support data penetration, detailed list of one - click reading. BI reporting engine can also customize rules and export personalized charts with one click.

Value proposition

Thinking role change

Strategy and business partners Expert and credit center Synergy and closed loop operation

Human resource effectiveness

Resource integration ability Shared service capability Ability to evaluate effectiveness

The talent echelon is alive

Talent supply chain building Talent protection chain construction Talent inventory system activated

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

Customize your own solution

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication