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Campus Recruitment

Talent status

According to the data of the Ministry of education, the number of fresh college graduates in China reached 9.09 million in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 4%. In addition, a large number of overseas students returned, and the number of fresh college graduates in 2021 reached a record high.

Economic recovery

With the economic recovery, the proportion of enterprises with fresh student recruitment plans in 2021 has increased accordingly, which has rebounded or even exceeded the level in the same period in 2019.

Adjustment strategy

Enterprises need to adjust recruitment strategies, improve recruitment efficiency, manage the whole process of multi-channel job release, and optimize the structure of talent pool.

Talent upgrading

Scientific and technological talents and young talents have become the key to the success of enterprises.

Position release

Multiple fields are provided for filling in position information, which can be filled in at one time and linked to multiple channels; HR will no longer need to log in to multiple recruitment Platforms + copy and paste position information; Just click "one click release" to open up multiple channels such as 51job, Zhilian recruitment, Liepin, printing talent network and China Talent Hotline, and release jobs in batches, so as to save time and effort; The system automatically refreshes recruitment positions to ensure the freshness of job information!

Internal promotion and school recruitment

Nowadays, internal push has become one of the important channels to obtain resumes, and the system generates the corresponding QR code; Scanning can deliver the resume to the resume database of different principals, which is convenient for internal push within the enterprise;

The QR code can also enter the enterprise official account to fill in and deliver resume information; With the development of the digital age, this kind of interaction design will bring better use experience to fresh students;

Recruitment details

You can batch export position excel tables; Set the position list display information and order in the header; Filter the positions through some information.

Talent pool construction

The system supports resume analysis, intelligent duplicate checking, high efficiency and accuracy, and greatly reduces the workload of HR resume entry; It also provides the option to view the original resume; You can select enterprise employees as interviewers and send interview notices through email, app, applet, etc; Interview form, interview schedule, interview sign in, interview feedback, track view and other one-stop operations, HR saves an average of 1.5 hours per day;

Interview feedback

After initiating an interview invitation for a candidate, you can evaluate the candidate's performance in the interview evaluation table in the system (Ps. the interview evaluation table can also be customized); After participating in the interview, check the tags such as pass and elimination to automatically enter the next stage;

Recruitment reminder

HR will be automatically reminded to process the corresponding resumes. The talent pool can be divided into five statuses: initial screening and warehousing, being invited, being interviewed, being offered and waiting for employment. Click different statuses to view the candidates in different statuses;

Value proposition

One click release whole process management
Improve campus recruitment efficiency

Release multiple recruitment channels with one click and publish positions in batches, so as to save time and effort; The system automatically refreshes recruitment positions to ensure the freshness of job information!

Multi scenario recruitment
A variety of campus scenes can be realized,

It can support video interview candidates and remote online communication; Batch interview function supports group face; Scan the QR code on the campus interview site, immediately collect the resume and process it with one click

channel management
Improve recruitment experience

Meet the diversified internal promotion needs of enterprises, provide immediate rewards to employees, improve their enthusiasm, analyze the data of each campus recruitment, and provide data support for the recruitment plan

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

Customize your own solution

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication