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Integrated healthcare recruitment solutions

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Market space

According to data, the scale of China's big health industry will reach 8.75 trillion yuan in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of about 8.68% from 2021 to 25, and will reach 13.38 trillion yuan in 2025.

The development trend

High technology will be widely applied in the medical field in the future. Artificial intelligence, AI and other information technologies will bring changes to the big health industry and improve the intelligent level of diagnosis and treatment.

Multivariate innovation

The deep integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry is the core way for China to transform from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. While consolidating existing industries, manufacturing enterprises have diversified investment in the field of innovation and made positive breakthroughs.

Innovation strategy

China's healthcare sector faces many challenges and unmet needs that are in urgent need of continuous improvement through innovative therapies and solutions. Only local innovation can promote the strategic upgrading of the medical industry!

Digital platform + professional services

Hr solutions provider to provide a complete service system

Technology empowers the medical industry
Human Resource Services

By creating an integrated HCM solution required by the industry, Huanque uses technology to empower manufacturing human resources services. HR SaaS based on cutting-edge service architecture as the core, the application of artificial intelligence and big data technology, to achieve intelligent human resource management. Assist enterprises to build an integrated human resource information platform, build a talent supply chain, and enhance their talent competitiveness. It also provides data analysis and insight to digitize and visualize per capita effectiveness and organizational capabilities.

A、Build an online platform for group recruitment sharing

Under the background of large demand for talent recruitment and short supply, online recruitment system can effectively improve the recruitment efficiency. The whole process of invitation, interview and employment is efficient and paperless. The recruitment process is not only more standardized, but also simplifies HR transactional operations as much as possible to speed up the recruitment process. Through huanque system, enterprises build multi-scene and multi-demand recruitment official website to display corporate culture at multiple levels, build employer brand and improve reputation.

B、Covers business processes and online support for all roles

According to the enterprise business development strategy, the development of talent planning, Huanque recruitment system closely to the planning of recruitment demand management, support the applicant as the center of multi-role collaborative business scenarios, to achieve standardized and reasonable management of recruitment sources. At the same time, the platform supports PC terminal and mobile terminal access at any time, to master the whole process of recruitment process.

C、Integrated channels and unified management

Position associated recruitment needs, multiple recruitment channels through one key, unified management of candidate information. After the integration of all channels, HR can conduct a unified resume review on the platform to avoid repeated resume downloads, which not only improves work efficiency, but also reduces recruitment costs.

D、Build a data-based recruitment model

Under the traditional management mode, HR needs to spend a lot of time and energy to make reports. After using the Huanque system, multi-scene report can be mastered by one hand, covering recruitment progress, stage transformation, channel contribution and other dimensions. The report can be exported by one click, and the data analysis can support the strategic decision-making of enterprises.

E、Forward-looking talent pool + talent pool operation and maintenance

A variety of talent entry methods, AI intelligent resume analysis, plus labeled talent analysis, help enterprises accurately reach the core scarce talent, improve recruitment efficiency. The digital talent pool can also store any related talent information of the enterprise, effectively save part of the recruitment cost and improve the talent reuse rate.

Value proposition

The employer image

Create a unified image of the recruitment end, transfer the characteristics of the hospital unit in the recruitment process, improve the reputation of the employer, and obtain more candidates;

Digital management

Integrate recruitment channels, improve recruitment efficiency, take the initiative to check before downloading, reduce the cost of repeated downloading; To improve recruitment management, carry out data-based management with branches/departments as individuals, and regularly empower them to improve the overall recruitment capabilities;

Combination of inside and outside

Build external talent pool to ensure healthy supply of talent resources; Resume resources are stored centrally to avoid loss and historical information can be traced. Get through with the enterprise internal system, information direct linkage; Automatically synchronize recruitment data, collect supplementary information in advance, do not need to fill in again, improve candidate experience.

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One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

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