Employee experience

Employee experience solutions

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Employee experience platform


Employee self-service app platform, real-time view of the company's publicity and distribution system, consult app smart bird at any time, and answer personnel affairs

Career development

It includes three management items: employee performance management, training management and career evaluation

social contact

Huanque app employee information overview, colleague address book, instant messaging, colleague circle, that is, circle of friends, can release daily mood at any time


Provide more convenience services, reward employees with points and benefits, and use the health punch in function to quickly collect employees' information during the epidemic

Employee experience platform · work section

Employee self service: employees can query personal information, consult company notices and download general documents of the company; Support salary query, benefit query, leave application, overtime application, training application / feedback, etc; The manager can query the basic information of subordinate employees and approve various work, such as leave / overtime approval, attendance approval, training approval, online evaluation, etc.

Employee experience platform · career development

Performance management: performance experts participate in system design; Support electronic signature, remote employees can operate online, compliance and efficiency; The whole process, multi-directional online cooperation and two-way communication ensure the achievement of goals.

Employee experience platform · social section

Instant messaging: employees can query personal information and company address book; The enterprise internal communication system supports basic instant messaging functions such as single chat and group chat. The enterprise internal chat information is safer and smoother.

Employee experience platform · life section

Convenience services: you can touch all kinds of services at the mobile terminal: physical examination, individual income tax calculation, certificate photo, medical registration, video membership, content learning, etc; At the same time, you can also punch in health information and complete enterprise health statistics with one click.

Value proposition

Employee experience

According to the 2020 talent trend report released by LinkedIn, 94% of talent professionals said that "employee experience" is becoming more and more important for talent recruitment in the future.

Organization turns to individual

In the past, work was to follow the rules, but with the intensification of competition for talents and the improvement of workers' skills, the initiative has shifted from the organization to the individual.

Management to service

The informatization and digitization of human resources are promoted faster and faster. In the future, HR SaaS will gradually realize the transformation from management to service: the human resources system will pay deep attention to the employee experience, gradually move from the management platform to the employee service platform, and pay deep attention to the employee experience, so as to bring in-depth value!

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication