Intelligent manufacturing | quality efficiency

Integrated HCM solutions for manufacturing

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Industry challenges Digital upgrade Value proposition Customer case

The 14th five brings with it the requirement to upgrade manufacturing

Manufacture of science and technology

In 2015, The State Council issued "Made in China 2025" as an action program of the manufacturing power strategy, and clearly took "intelligent manufacturing" as the main direction.

High efficiency and energy saving

The advantage of low-cost labor is waning, and manufacturing labor costs are rising. The manufacturing sector is shifting towards energy conservation and environmental protection, new infrastructure and new energy.

Multivariate innovation

The deep integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry is the core way for China to transform from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. While consolidating existing industries, manufacturing enterprises have diversified investment in the field of innovation and made positive breakthroughs.

Talent to upgrade

The advantage of low-cost labor force is weakened, and "talent-oriented" is one of the basic methods. The key to the success of enterprises is to make talents more scientific and young.

Digital platform + professional services

Hr solutions provider to provide a complete service system

Technology empowers manufacturing
Human Resource Services

By creating the integrated HCM solution required by the manufacturing industry, Huanque uses science and technology to empower the manufacturing human resources services. HR SaaS based on cutting-edge service architecture as the core, the application of artificial intelligence and big data technology, to achieve intelligent human resource management. Assist enterprises to build an integrated human resource information platform, build a talent supply chain, and enhance their talent competitiveness. It also provides data analysis and insight to digitize and visualize per capita effectiveness and organizational capabilities.

Organization management and service adaptation

Build a business-sensitive organizational structure that can be flexibly and quickly adjusted to change, and support virtual architecture and multi-line reporting. At the same time, it is equipped with management systems such as establishment, cost and position to realize the visualization of organizational data and facilitate the effective management of branches.

Fast entry, improve the experience

From recruitment to Offer, online batch processing; Fill in the entry information online, collect information efficiently; Panorama files are presented in real time to improve the induction efficiency and candidate experience.

Schedule off, flexible and convenient

Diversified leave rules, flexible schedule, batch overtime, leave approval, smart punch, self-defined leave, flexible handling of leave work.

Calculate salary and tax accurately and efficiently

Customize salary items and rules, build a flexible salary system, synchronize the social security provident fund system of each city, accurately and efficiently handle salary calculation, tax payment and so on.

Value proposition

Building talent Supply Chain
Enhance the competitiveness of enterprise talents

"Technology Innovation + Service Driven" Efficient and high-quality talent management < SPAN > Consulting + Agile building talent standards and echelon talent pool Digital comprehensive support for performance + training

Data analysis and insight
Digital per capita efficiency, visualization of organizational capabilities

Digitization of HR business scenarios, cost control and output prediction Fine talent kanban, planning and configuration, landing strategy < SPAN > Real-time discovery and early warning, risk avoidance, advance control

Build an integrated human resource information platform
Improve office efficiency and employee experience

Provide the core human support for the whole scene and process < SPAN > realize the full digital processing of HR organization, salary, fake attendance and other work < SPAN > statistical analysis, with the help of data insight into enterprise management mobile, platform, ecological, one-stop employee service

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication