Salary tax | one key accounting

Salary tax solution

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Salary pain point

"Salary" is like water

In time for the Mid Autumn Festival and the national day, should I ask for leave? Should I increase or decrease the number of attendance days?.

More "pay" sadness

Hundreds of thousands of employees have different salary schemes. How can I arrange the salary work so that I can not work overtime?.

Thousands of "salaries" suffer

The individual income tax policy is always "super changed", which caught me by surprise. It's really a big headache to calculate and declare taxes

"Reward" eyebrows do not show

The monthly increase and decrease of social security personnel is cumbersome, and no one is perfect. Who can guarantee that it will never be wrong?

Digital platform + professional services

Human resource solution provider providing complete service system

Intelligent salary management

[huanque technology · intelligent salary management] makes you say no to the above situation! Powerful salary rule settings, automatically updated social security individual tax rules, automatic accounting of complex salary, and overall salary data statistics will help enterprises and HR effectively solve the salary calculation problem of multiple scenarios!

User defined formula + salary structure

HR can flexibly configure and use dozens of common items of salary structure preset in the system. It also supports HR to customize salary items, user-defined item proportion and user-defined formula calculation according to the needs of the enterprise, which perfectly fits the salary structure required by the enterprise

Efficient linkage of multi module data

Realize fine management. The salary module and the attendance module interact with each other, and the attendance data is automatically read and synchronized to the salary module for automatic salary calculation. Social security accumulation fund data is associated with salary to realize automatic statistics and accounting. It supports supplementary social security payment / change / increase / decrease of employees, and also supports online payment of social security accumulation fund. One click calculation and declaration of individual income tax.

One key automatic calculation of complex salary

The self-service salary accounting formula is automatically associated with attendance performance, allowance, social security and individual income tax. With user-defined configuration, it supports "encrypted" electronic payslip payment

Multi scenario control of salary statistics

Multi dimensional analysis of enterprise employment costs, real-time grasp of enterprise compensation. HR can easily query the data of recent salary adjustment employees, diagnose abnormal differences and avoid salary wrong payment. One click export is supported for reports and statistics.

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication