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Intelligent solutions for retail catering human resources and numbers

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Development of China's catering industry

Economic development

Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of production capacity and people's income level, the retail catering industry has not only witnessed the improvement of people's living standards and consumption ability, but also gradually become a pillar industry to expand domestic demand, promote promotion fees, stabilize growth and benefit people's livelihood. According to the data of the National Bureau of statistics, the income of China's catering industry in 2019 has reached 4.67 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%, accounting for 4.7% of the national GDP.

Industry recovery

In 2020, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 will bear the brunt of the blow to the catering industry. With the continuous stabilization of the epidemic, the catering industry has gradually recovered, becoming one of the important engines driving economic recovery and restoring social vitality.


At the same time, the epidemic has accelerated the transformation of catering. The performance of the demand side is that the consumption structure of catering accelerates the upgrading to diversification, characteristics and quality; The performance of the supply side is that catering enterprises accelerate the upgrading to digitization, branding, chain and retail.

State support

In recent years, the catering industry has also been highly valued by governments at all levels and supported by national industrial policies. The state has successively issued a number of policies to support the development of the catering industry, strengthen anti-monopoly and anti unfair competition, and maintain the ability of fair competition in the market; At the same time, implement corresponding support policies to encourage the digital and intelligent transformation of traditional retail catering.

Digital platform + professional services

Human resource solution provider providing complete service system

Technology enabled enterprise
Human resources services

With the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, "Internet +" has become a trend of the times, and the retail catering industry has become the largest entrance for online and offline Internet connections. The whole industry includes the field of food materials and commodity supply. The entry of Internet one-stop trading platform has changed the development of traditional industries, moved traditional offline transactions to online, and accelerated the circulation of the industry and the popularization of services. In this context, the human resources department is also facing the challenge of talent and development.

Efficient integration of store management and convenient online manipulation

Shift scheduling on the mobile terminal line, powerful rule setting, and support up to dozens of shift settings; The administrator can grasp the attendance status in real time, flexibly deal with shift scheduling and secondment among multiple stores, and deal with risk abnormalities in time.

One key calculation of salary and performance, multi module and efficient linkage

Retail catering has a wide range of areas, many stores and miscellaneous personnel. Huanque salary management meets the requirements of flexible configuration and use. Support HR to customize salary items, item proportion and formula calculation according to the needs of enterprises, perfectly fit multiple sets of salary structures required by enterprises, and complex salary can be calculated automatically with one click!

Smart talent recruitment & amp; Training whole process system construction

Build their own one-stop learning platform for retail catering enterprises, provide immersive experience + Mobile fragmented learning, and employees can learn flexibly anytime and anywhere; Cultivate employees with a perfect management system, standardize the operation details in work, reduce the turnover rate of employees, and let employees get a sense of belonging.

Employee self-service platform to comprehensively optimize the experience

Employees can query the notice announcement, leave quota and salary slip by themselves through app, applet and web personal terminal; Complete the application approval by self-service to avoid the long waiting time for the signature and approval of traditional leaders; Personal information can be updated by itself to liberate HR hands; It can also realize internal communication and cooperation, make employees work more convenient and have higher satisfaction.

Choice of trust for medium and large enterprises

One stop human resource service really helps enterprises develop at a high speed

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Alibaba cloud security support
ISO certification
Data isolation
Bank level network encrypted communication